The following questions were answered by me in an interview on 06/30/2008
Q: What led you to, and when did you start on a traditional path in your search of Truth and Light?
Well, if you are referring to mysticism; as far back as I can remember. I was always interested in metaphysical things, the so-called paranormal, and would spend hours in deep contemplation of seemingly random and pointless things for example I used to sit and contemplate one word: W.H.Y.?
I was interested in many groups, practiced various esoteric teachings and traditions throughout the years however it all seemed soooo, well and I mean no disrespect here It all seemed very "hokey" and thrown together. There was never a WHY in the various practices, just simply this is how we do thus and so.. That is until I found AMORC……Things began to make scientific/philosophical/ and Mystical sense with a firm stance AGAINST superstition and so called "magic"
The Cosmic Laws make so much more sense than some ethereal non-knowingness that cannot be defined. I'm serious, once you discover the Natural Laws inherent in everything it becomes much easier to live in harmony with the Cosmic and our fellow human beings. Once you begin to search inward and discover that we have been given the greatest gifts from the Creator, God, or whatever you choose to call the Divine the next logical step is to learn how to use these gifts that we all have for the benefit our ourselves, our families, and for all of humanity. This may come as a great shock to you but we are ALL capable of such seemingly weird abilities that most people think of as "supernatural" and yet they are perfectly natural bestowed upon us by The Cosmic. Abilities such as telepathy, manifesting desires through visualization, healing, etc. We are ALL capable of these things however we have been taught from a small age in this present society to not acknowledge these things, to put them aside, they are "evil" , etc….However, and I must stress this point ALL of these things are not SUPER natural rather; they are quite natural indeed and all humans have these capabilities within themselves.
Q: How did you become a Rosicrucian?
Well, as I said I had been involved with various groups and practices and had come across the Rosicrucian Order in various texts. The Order was frequently mentioned however there was really no exact definition of what it was or if it still existed. Something about what little I did find out about the R+C spoke to me and I was determined to find out if there was any current activity or if this mysterious tradition his disappeared with the passage of time like so many others. In 1999 I made use of the internet and found the AMORC website & requested a copy of Mastery of Life. The brief history/timeline of the R+C Order went further back that I originally thought, all the way back to the Ancient Egyptian Mystery schools. I discovered that some of the greatest men and women throughout history have been, or were heavily influenced by the R+C. I had found what I was looking for and have been a Rosicrucian Frater from then on.
Q: Aren't you also a Traditional Catholic? Don't you find conflict in that?
Before I answer that question let me first make clear that AMORC is NOT a religion and in fact transcends religious dogmas and seeks to express the mystical aspects of all religions. Rosicrucians come from every religious persuasion and being a Rosicrucian does not in any way interfere with your religion.
With that being said, yes I am a Traditional Catholic; meaning that My family and I adhere to the Catholicism as it was practiced prior to the so-called "reforms" brought about by the Second Vatican Council. The Tridentine (Traditional) Latin Mass being the most easily recognizable aspects of being in the "Traditional" Latin Rite of The Church. At first glance one may find striking "contradictions" between the R+C teachings and that of Christianity however; these need not be the case. I consider myself to be a devout Catholic however a humble R+C student, for even our Imperator is first and foremost a student of the Cosmic.
The R+C teachings are NEVER to be blindly accepted because the Order simply says so and it is often heard of Rosicrucians that we are "walking question marks" always questioning everything. If there is however something in the Rosicrucian teachings which you find objectionable or contradictory to your personal faith then set it aside and worry about it no more. AMORC does not teach doctrine.
For me, being a Rosicrucian makes me a better Catholic, and being a Catholic makes me a more observant and compassionate Rosicrucian. Our Late Imperator Ralph. M. Lewis once said, "Rosicrucianism is not a particular subject but rather the furtherance of the spirit and application of knowledge."
Q: What is it that caused Rosicrucianism to survive as a living traditional culture through the last several centuries?
I wouldn't say that there is any ONE thing that has allowed the Rosicrucian Order to survive rather; the constant quest of man for "Light" and the dedication of R+C Fratres and Sorores to perpetuate the teachings of the Order throughout the centuries however; any discussion of the continuance of the Order must include our Late First Imperator of AMORC, Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis who was initiated into the R+C in France and whose diligent task was to rebuild The Order in the United States in the 1920's. Every member of AMORC owes Frater Lewis a debt of gratitude.
Q: You also are a member of the Klnights of Columbus, and several other traditional intiatic organizations. Having such a deep traditional grounding, how do you view the future work of the esoteric traditions as they all strive to work towards the common objective?
Each tradition must be allowed chart their own respective course and the Rosicrucian Order AMORC, while being the only AUTHENTIC Rosicrucian Order currently operating in the world makes no claim for the other esoteric fraternities, orders, etc. AMORC is a complete philosophical and initiatic system that quite frankly is not "for everyone" and the statistics do indeed show that many students leave the Order after their first few monographs because they are informed from the very beginning of association with the Order that true mystic knowledge takes time and hard work, developing and training your many psychic abilities inherent within us all takes lots of study and many years of hard WORK and does not come automatically…..Like everything in life, the Rosicrucian is only as good as the work and effort that is put into the studies.
Q: Can you share a few thoughts about the teachings of AMORC, and what approach do they take to the student's spiritual quest?
Well, AMORC summarizes the course of study in the introductory pamphlet "Mastery of Life" which can be read online or a hardcopy may be ordered from the Supreme Lodge. Here is that info:
***Reads from Mastery of Life***
Neophyte Section
In ancient times, if you wished to study the great mysteries, you would travel to a temple and petition for admittance as a student. Once accepted as a beginning student, you would be known as a Neophyte, and you would enter the Atrium, or reception chamber of the temple. In the Atrium, you would receive preliminary instructions before being allowed to enter the main temple itself and study the higher teachings. Following the analogy of the ancient temples, the early lessons are called atrium lessons and beginning Rosicrucian students are called neophytes.
Introductory Lessons
Right from the start, the introductory monographs present basic Rosicrucian concepts that you can apply in practical ways. One of the first things you learn as a Neophyte is that you are a dual being. In addition to your five physical senses, you also have a psychic sense. The exercises in these introductory lessons are designed to gradually awaken and develop the psychic faculty. The exercises presented here and throughout the entire Rosicrucian system allow you to discover for yourself through direct experience how these principles work. Topics include:
Illusory Nature of Time and Space
Human Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness
Rosicrucian Technique of Meditation
Development of the Intuition
Introduction to: Human Aura, Telepathy,
Metaphysical Healing,
Mystical Sounds, Spiritual Alchemy
First Atrium
In the introductory lessons you learned about fundamental principles of consciousness. The First Atrium goes further, exploring consciousness as the organizing principle of matter, and explaining the composition and structure of matter and its vibratory nature. You'll learn how the creative power of thought affects the material world. This power is demonstrated through exercises in the techniques of concentration, visualization, and mental creation. Topics include:
Structure and Composition of Matter
Power of Thought
The Creative Power of Visualisation
Mental Projection and Telepathy
Law of the triangle.
Second Atrium
Your understanding of the connection between mind and matter will now be expanded to include the connection between the mind and the physical body. The Second Atrium explores how your thoughts influence your health, the role of proper breathing in psychic development as well as health and vitality, and Rosicrucian healing techniques. As you develop your body's psychic centers, you gradually awaken your psychic faculties, such as the ability to perceive the aura. You will also experience the mystical effect of sounds on the psychic centers as well as on the physical body. Topics include:
Origin of Diseases
Influence of Thoughts on Health
Mystical Art of Breathing
Rosicrucian Healing Treatments
Perception of the Aura
Awakening of the Psychic Consciousness
Mystical Sounds
Third Atrium
The Third Atrium moves beyond the physical body and the psychic faculties into the realm of the mystical. As you become more attuned with your inner source of wisdom, you'll become more receptive to the subtle inner promptings of intuition, inspiration, and illumination. These lessons also explore the nature of soul and spiritual evolution, reincarnation and karma, and the cycles of the soul. Topics include;
The Great Religious Movements
The Nature of Soul
Purpose of our Spiritual Evolution
Reincarnation and Karma
Good and Evil and Free Will
Intuition, Inspiration, and Illumination
Temple Section
Having completed the lessons of the Neophyte section, you stand at an important milestone in your progress along the mystical path. No longer a Neophyte, you are now ready to leave the Atrium and enter the Temple. Your studies in the Neophyte section established the foundation for the lessons of the Temple Degrees. You have been introduced to the various elements of the Rosicrucian system and had the opportunity to practice many of the principles presented through simple experiments. Now the Temple Degrees will further develop these elements, providing additional depth and practical applications of the principles.
First Temple Degree
The First Temple Degree introduces the concept of polarity and its relationship to the subatomic world and its differing rates of vibration. It introduces the full spectrum of physical and nonphysical manifestation. An understanding of these subjects gives you an appreciation for the system and order of the universe, the interconnectedness of all nature, and how everything is governed by natural law. Topics include:
Structure of Matter
Positive and Negative as Vibratory Polarities
Rosicrucian Definitions of Electricity, Magnetism, and Electromagnetism
Rosicrucian Classification of Elements
Material Alchemy
Second Temple Degree
The Second Temple Degree explores the workings of the mind. You'll learn how to use your various mental faculties to strengthen your will, eliminate bad habits and establish good ones, tap into the levels of your subconscious, reason more effectively, and integrate principles of psychology and mysticism to achieve your personal goals. Topics include:
Cosmic Consciousness
Our Objective and Subjective Consciousness
Mental and Sensory Illusions
Imagination and Memory
Physical, Psychic, and Spiritual Influence of the Subconscious
Memory and Reasoning of the Subconscious
Psychology and Mysticism
Third Temple Degree
The Third Temple Degree explores the meaning of life on many levels, including living and “non-living” matter, life on the cellular level, the mysteries of death and rebirth, and the eternal nature of the soul. Topics Include:
Cosmic Purpose of Life
Rosicrucian Definitions of Living and Non-living Matter
Incarnation of the Soul
Transition of the Soul
Initiatric Aspects of Death
Fourth Temple Degree
The Fourth Temple Degree introduces Rosicrucian ontology (the study of the nature of being), and lays out the cosmological framework for all creation. It explores the meaning, understanding, and use of symbols as the language of the subconscious. Topics include:
Vital Life Force and the Living Soul
Cycles of Life and Constant States of Flux
Time, Space, Infinity and Eternity
Symbols—Natural, Artificial, and Mystical
Sacred Architecture
Fifth Temple Degree
A mystic, by nature, is fundamentally a philosopher. In the Fifth Temple Degree, you will study excerpts from the works of classical philosophers. Your exploration of the ancient roots of Rosicrucian philosophy will demonstrate the timelessness of these principles. Thoughts of the following philosophers are presented: Thales, Solon, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Democritus, Empedocles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.
Sixth Temple Degree
The Sixth Temple Degree presents the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components of health and disease. In this Degree, you’ll learn specific Rosicrucian healing techniques for restoring and maintaining vibrant physical health and psychic equilibrium. Topics include:
Spiritual Dimension of Food
Breathing and Respiratory Health
Cell Consciousness and Cellular Health
Rosicrucian Therapy and Self-healing
Personal Treatment to Restore your Psychic Equilibrium
Physical and Mental Prevention of Disease
Emotional and Spiritual Prevention of Disease
Seventh Temple Degree
The exercises and experiments of all the previous Degrees have contributed to your gradual development, providing you with the necessary foundation for the advanced techniques of the Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Degrees. In the Seventh Degree you will learn how to accomplish psychic projection, how to develop your personal aura and perceive other people’s auras, and how to further develop your psychic centers and psychic perception. You will also receive a thorough explanation of the physiological, psychic, and spiritual influence of specific mystical sounds. Topics include:
The Psychic Body and Psychic Centers
Psychic Perception and Psychic Consciousness
How to Accomplish Psychic Projection
Nature and Symbolism of Dreams
The Physical, Psychic, and Spiritual Auras
Mystical Power of Vowel Sounds and Mantras
Eighth Temple Degree
The Eighth Temple Degree explores in depth the theme of immortality—the mysteries of birth and death, reincarnation and karma, and the evolution of the soul personality. Topics include:
Universal Soul and the Human Soul
Divine Consciousness and Self Consciousness
Spiritual Evolution of Humans
Mastery of Karma
Reincarnation of the Soul
Memory of Past Incarnations
The Mystery of Birth and Death
Help to the Dying, Before and After Death
Ninth Temple Degree
If you have conscientiously studied and practiced the exercises and experiments of the earlier Degrees, these techniques will by now have become second nature, and you'll be well prepared to successfully undertake the advanced experiments of the Ninth Degree. This Degree gives you the opportunity to utilize the highest metaphysical powers in practical ways to affect positive conditions in your environment and your life in accordance with the greatest good. Topics include:
Macrocosm and Microcosm
The Four Principles: Earth, Water, Air and Fire
Symbolism of the Cross, Triangle, Square, Circle, and Rose-Cross
Mental Alchemy
Telepathy, Telekinesis, Vibroturgy, and Radiesthesia
Cosmic Protection, Mystical Regeneration
Attunement with the Cosmic Consciousness
Beyond the Ninth Temple Degree
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, is not just a course of study, but a way of life. While the essential Rosicrucian teachings are covered in the first five years, the exploration of universal laws is truly a lifelong study. As long as we live, we never stop learning. Therefore, the Rosicrucian lessons continue for many years beyond the Ninth Degree, providing you with even greater insights and exploration of the Rosicrucian principles and techniques.
Q: It seems that the R+C Tradition is always expressing itself and adapting to the flow of time and existing conditions. Could you give us an example of this adaptability in Rosicrucian history?
Oh! Absolutely……The Monographs are a great example of this….Prior to the 1990's the original monographs written by Frater H. Spencer Lewis were used without much change however, as you pointed out the Order is always adapting to time and conditions so a more up to date approach to the monographs was taken including the new advancements in science and psychology not to mention former teachings that the R+C has always taught that have finally been proven correct by science or various other institutions, one example is the discussion and theory of using of atomic power loooooong before Einstein…The core teachings have not changed rather they are constantly kept current and relevant…
Q: On a final note, what do you see in the future of Rosicrucianism?
Hmmmm, as the 21st century progresses I foresee a time when mankind will hopefully begin to look within themselves and realize the gifts we have been given by the Cosmic. If each one of us today began the work of allowing the rose of our souls to fully bloom we would achieve in not only the world but within ourselves Life, Light, Love, and PEACE PROFOUND….The work of the R+C will continue as long as man is in search of LIGHT….
So Mote it be!!!