▼Salutem Punctis Trianguli ▼
As I am oft accustomed to doing; today I was online just surfing and observing some very interesting blogs, websites etc. when I came upon the following statements and I knew that I had to chime in my proverbial 2 Cents.
So please bear with me while I, a humble Rosicrucian student address the issues raised by an individual (danielp) on Gnosticweb. I will present his statements first and then respond from a Rosicrucian’s perspective.
(Sat, 03/03/2007 - 12:34)
“ I once joined the AMORC for a couple of years, though a very long time ago. I had to send a certain amount of money each month and then they would send me information, or lessons. It was a bit secretive in some ways as I had to agree not to share the information with anyone, similar to other groups I have studied with in the past. They were all very interesting, though what they all had in common is that they were ?pseudo esoteric? teachings, meaning they had elements of truth to them but were misleading and didn?t focus on or teach what is needed to begin the true esoteric path. Though to be fair to the Rosicrucians I don?t know what they teach in great depth, only that I found nothing particularly practical or useful as far as bringing about spiritual change, so this is just a personal point of view. I also went to a Rosicrucian seminar at a university once where the lecturer spoke beautifully, though while talking to him afterwards he told me that he had absolutely no experience of the things he spoke of despite very many years of following the teachings, though he was sure others did and he was just going off what he believed. I also talked to others similar, so I decided to leave because I really wanted something practical that would bring about inner change.”
Let me begin by stating that while I am sure DANIELP had no hostile intentions or overt malice towards AMORC, there were some very important points that he raised that are worthy of comment.
Firstly, the issue of dues…The majority of Fraternal Organizations including Freemasons, Elks, Oddfellows, Knights of Columbus, etc all require monthly or yearly dues to help said organisations in their respective workings...
“ they had elements of truth to them but were misleading and didn?t focus on or teach what is needed to begin the true esoteric path”
This statement would lead one to believe that DANIELP had already achieved the Rose Croix State and was in such a position as to declare what is or is not true, and what will “begin the true esoteric path.”
I find this somewhat amusing because clearly by joining AMORC at one point DANIELP whether knowingly or unknowingly conceded that he was, (as we all are) students in search of knowledge, Light, etc. And it is this simple yearning for LIGHT that sets one on the “true esoteric path.” After all the definition of the word esoteric is: “(of a philosophical doctrine or the like) intended to be revealed only to the initiates of a group)
“Though to be fair to the Rosicrucians I don?t know what they teach in great depth, only that I found nothing particularly practical or useful as far as bringing about spiritual change, so this is just a personal point of view.”
The preceding statement really says it all however; it is the second part of the aforementioned statement that I wish to address because it is of paramount importance to the individual be they mystic or average man/woman.
“I found nothing particularly practical or useful as far as bringing about spiritual change”
Spiritual change as DANIELP put it, or more correctly defined by we Rosicrucians as, the path to “Peace Profound” and “Self Mastery” is not something which happens in the blink of an eye nor is it something which is guaranteed. This Mastery of self is to be pursued throughout ones’ earthly manifestation by following the Natural Laws and Cycles put in place by the Cosmic (or Divine Will of God) if you will.
In all the world’s many volumes of mystic writings, arcane lore, & in all the Great Religions there is no one simple way. As Rosicrucians we must apply daily the teachings of our Order and thereby work towards such Self Mastery which then blooms within the soul into Peace Profound.
If DANIELP found nothing “practical or useful” perhaps it may be due to the fact that the principles taught early on in the Neophyte Monographs were not put into daily use, or the exercises were not carried out. This practice, practice, practice emphasis is very strong in the Monographs because you learn by doing, not by observing with ones’ objective consciousness only. The lessons must be applied and if there is fault to be found, it is in the one who does not work towards his goals.
It was Lord Jesus Himself who said: “How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!” MATT 7:14 Douay Rheims Translation
“ I also went to a Rosicrucian seminar at a university once where the lecturer spoke beautifully, though while talking to him afterwards he told me that he had absolutely no experience of the things he spoke of despite very many years of following the teachings, though he was sure others did and he was just going off what he believed. I also talked to others similar”
Now while I have no knowledge of the Frater who gave the lecture or even what the topic was due to that information being left out, the complaint of not having personal experience of the things covered in the lecture again seems to point to the lack of knowledge of not only mystical principles but mundane everyday occurrences. Think for a moment and recall how often in daily conversations we speak of things the we “know about” having had no personal experience. For instance we might say in response to a soldier complaining about the horrid living conditions whilst fighting in a jungle theatre of combat, “Oh, I know what you mean. My uncle who fought in Vietnam……” and insert something that we have no experience whatsoever however; that knowledge about the subject matter was transmitted to us by our uncle. This is one of the interesting points in the human objective consciousness; we feel the need to be knowledgeable in everything and don’t like to admit when we are incorrect or lack sufficient knowledge to comprehend what one is talking about. Do not be ashamed to travel the course of this life as a walking question mark.
The second point of DANIELP’s comment also alludes to the fact that all Rosicrucians are indeed walking question marks, and all Rosicrucians are forever students. Even the Imperator himself is, after the title nothing more than a humble seeker and Rosicrucian student.
I truly hope DANIELP finds what he believes himself to be seeking after and that The Cosmic bestows Peace Profound upon him. In future however; before throwing out a system that one admittedly knows really nothing about, it would be better to study the teachings yourself and THEN make a decision as to the validity, authenticity, practicality, and benefits of the Rosicrucian Teachings. Rosicrucians ask you to BELIEVE nothing that we say, merely because we say a thing is thus and so, rather experiment for yourself and come to the conclusion by yourself….