How to Attune With the Celestial Sanctum:
At whatever hour we may wish to attune ourselves with the Celestial Sanctum and enjoy the contact and communion we shall proceed as follows:
First, we shall wash our hands in clean water and dry them well as a symbol of the cleansing of our bodies to enter the Sanctum.
Then we shall take a drink of cold water as a symbol of the cleansing of our mouths that they may be pure and free from any utterances that would be improper in the presence of the Masters and Spiritual Minds as assembled in the Sanctum.
Then we shall sit in silence in some place in the home where we may be alone, whether in the dark or in the light, and closing our eyes, we shall say this brief prayer in soundless words:
“May the Divine Essence of the Cosmic infuse my being and cleanseme of all impurities of mind and body, that I may enter the Celestial Sanctum, and Commune in pureness and worthiness. So mote it be!”
By this, we shall purge our minds and cleanse our thoughts of any ideas that would be unworthy within the sacred Sanctum.
Then we shall remain seated, and with eyes closed, visulize the consciousness within us rising higher and higher, above and beyond the limits of material existence, to that Cosmic World to which our consciousness will seem to be drawn by the very purity of its nature. We shall sit thus in desire to reach the Sanctum until we feel by a coolness of the atmosphere, by a peacefulness in the body, by a restfulness in the mind, and a sense of joy, that we have entered into the Holy of Holies—a place of quiet and peace, power and perfection.
We may remain in such contact for longer or shorter periods and meditate at this level for as long a we like, or we may withdraw when the definite period is over by simply closing the convocation with the following words:
“May the God of my heart sanctify this attunement of self with the Celestial Sanctum, so mote it be."
For more insturcion or information on the Celestial Sanctum, please read Liber 777 by AMORC..