▼Salutem Punctis Trianguli ▼
As my next initiation draws closer I’d like to discuss the inner meanings of initiation in my context and from the observations of my objective consciousness whilst contemplating the deeper mystical meanings and benefits from the process.
To begin, the word initiation derives from the Latin word “initium” ("entrance" or "beginning," literally "a going in.") And that is exactly what each initiation is, a “going in” symbolically.
Whether it be entering the Atrium, crossing the threshold to the Temple, etc. The symbolic progression of initiations impresses upon the psyche of the initiate the lessons learned in previous degrees and presumes to expound greater knowledge in future degrees and initiatory rites thereby fulfilling the request of more LVX. Which does not necessarily manifest on the earthly realm, rather within the Egregore and within the Soul Vibrations of the individual through direct communion with the Cosmic.
It is this LVX or Light that from the dawn of humanity has driven men and women through the ages to search after, recognise, and then follow the Laws of Nature and then apply them so as to achieve Self Mastery. This mastery of self and achieving unity with the Cosmic is the ultimate goal of all Rosicrucians throughout the centuries and by the many initiation rituals we solidify and make manifest on the material plane what is happening in the Cosmic.
Imperator or AMORC, Christian Bernard said of Initiation:
“Initiation brings into the realm of reason the purpose, and into the realm of emotion the spirit of one’s introduction to the mysteries.”
There is never a true end to initiation even when all the earthly degrees have been completed there will be more and wonderful mystical Degrees of the Soul awaiting.
So I am now nearing my next degree initiation and a sense of joy fills me, not because of passing another milestone in my studies rather; the benefits I have received from The Cosmic since my first becoming a Rosicrucian student and it is with that sincere debt of gratitude to the Order that I fulfill the Law of AMRA by writing this brief and humble exposition on a few small points about on subject of initiation.